WRECK ALLEY (Page still under construction. Come back later) Thank you.
These pages are a tribute to the different vessels which I have had the privilege to film or photograph. Some pictures are frames of 16mm film, while others are captured video frames of some of the documentaries I have shot. I dedicate all of these images to our clients and fellow divers which we hope will enjoy reading some of the true history of these ships and contemplate the pictures.
All the information presented here is a summary from our research of these ships. In the case of the vessels Carmen Fabiana and Gran Roque, I was fortunate enough to witness the historic events that lead to their sinking. All others have been through interviews, newspaper articles and other resources.
Special thanks to Dr. Max Guerout for his help on Admiral d’ Estrées Fleet and to all others that in one way or another have helped us do our work.
Upgrades will be made, come back soon…